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This is a standard delivery truck fully rigged in C4D and ready for animation. Made entirely of quads it had a quick and easy animation tab to create that perfect look and offer simple control on the vehicle moveable comps. Although simple it has been carefully designed to have objects as rivets, a simplified undercarriage and optimal use of materials where possible.


Several controls allow for ease of use including Door sliders for driver and passenger, rear sliding door (uses a bend deformer to give a roll up door effect), operational window wipers, light controls, and wheels that rotate as you pull the vehicle across the ground. Lastly the ability to quick change the color of the truck or the trim. Just replace your logo with the placeholder I've put on it and it's now your delivery service.

If you like this look at my other models.


Happy modelling!!

Delivery Truck_V6_C4D Rigged

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